
The Ultimate Living Room Decluttering List

May 28, 2020

Decluttering is an essential part of spring cleaning that can make your home feel refreshed and vibrant. The living room is one of the most important areas of the home to clean out and organize, but sometimes it can be tough to know where to start decluttering. Get help with this simple living room decluttering list with tips for keeping an uncluttered living room the whole year round.

Take Care of Tech Accessories

In today’s world, tech is fun and functional — but it often spills over into living spaces and creates clutter. Start your decluttering list with all the tech gear and accessories in the living area. 

First go through items like TV remotes, earbuds and headphones, video game controllers, charging cords, and any other accessories and make sure they are in good working order. For an uncluttered living room, try these creative storage tips for all the items you want to keep:

  • Store remotes upright in a decorative pencil cup, wide-mouthed vase, or jar
  • Use end tables with storage drawers to corral tech and accessories when not in use
  • Place decorative lidded storage bins on top on entertainment centers or end tables to house tech gear in style
  • Create hidden DIY pockets or panels with durable fabric pieces and Velcro strips on your furniture
  • Consider investing in a wireless charging station to cut cord clutter

Tackle Books and Magazines

Next on the decluttering list are books and magazines, a common source of living room clutter. Start by tossing outdated magazines and consider digital versions. Go through your living room book collection and donate any books that aren’t loved by the family. Remember the KonMari Method: one of the best ways to declutter is to keep only the items that spark joy.

Arrange the books you decide to keep according to color and size for a stylish and organized look. Consider adding floating shelves to display books and place books in the same color family together.

Decluttering Papers and Mail

Papers and mail can be a source of living room clutter, especially if you don’t have a designated home office. Create areas to keep paper and mail contained, so they don’t create clutter. This could be as simple as a storage drawer with a divider for incoming and outgoing mail, or a hanging mail organizer. 

For families, use standing files or desk organizers and designate a place for each family member’s papers. A corkboard or magnetic whiteboard are other simple solutions for an uncluttered living room.

Children’s toys around living room

Taming Toys

Toys can take over the living room for families with young children. To keep the area clean and clutter-free, first go through your children’s toys and determine which can be tossed or donated. 

Once the collection is pared down, choose one small decorative bin or basket for the living room that kids can keep favorite toys in, and then store the rest of their toys in their rooms or playrooms. Cube shelving or storage is another smart solution — just use cloth bins or woven baskets to keep the toys out of sight.

Think About Pet Toys, Too

If your family includes a four-legged family member, your pup’s or kitty’s toys could be cluttering up the space as well. Choose a sturdy bin or basket to house Fido or Meow’s playthings, and only have a few toys available at one time. Toss any pet toys that are too worn or frayed. You can also try raised pet beds that will allow for toys to be stored under the bed and out of sight when not in use.

Corralling Craft Supplies

If adults or kids in the family are on the crafty side, craft supplies may have migrated to the living spaces and caused clutter. Even if you do projects in the living area, there are simple ways to organize them to keep an uncluttered living room

Start by looking at all the supplies and tossing any that are worn, dried out, or that you won’t use. Schools or daycare centers are a good place to donate craft items you no longer use. Once you’ve culled the supplies, arrange them in a set of rolling storage drawers or stackable bins.

Throw Blankets and Decorative Pillows

If you don’t know where to start decluttering your living room, the sofa pillows and throw blankets are an easy place to start. Sort through decorative pillows and toss, repurpose, or donate any that are not needed. Keep only a reasonable number out at one time. Swap cushions or cushion covers out as needed for a seasonal change. Keep throw blankets organized by rolling them and placing them in an oversize decorative basket. You can also fold them and store them in an ottoman with a covered lid.

Assess Living Room Decor, Knick-Knacks, and Wall Art

The decor in a living space can quickly become overwhelming, so it’s important to go through it when you are spring cleaning. Determine whether you really love each piece of decor or if it’s meaningful to you. Otherwise, toss or donate old decor items. Keep only a few favorite pieces out at a time and swap them occasionally for a fresh look.

Declutter written on wooden tiles

How to Organize a Small Living Room

If you are trying to declutter and organize a small living room, it’s even more important to keep things streamlined. Keep as few items as possible out in the main area. Use storage space in existing furniture wisely (such as creating dividers or neatly stacking items in drawers). Use or create hidden storage areas for everyday items. Try vertical storage to increase space.

Everyday Organizing Tips to Maintain an Uncluttered Living Room 

Once you’ve decluttered and organized your living room, use these everyday tips to keep your home uncluttered:

  • Designate homes for common items
  • Clear clutter “hotspots” daily
  • Make it fun for kids by creating a reward system and giving them points for picking up their toys each day
  • Use hooks to create simple hanging wall storage
  • Plan time each week to clear clutter from the living space
  • Get creative with DIY organizers made from recycled or repurposed items

Taking a little time to maintain routines with your decluttering list can go a long way in keeping your space clean, relaxing, and clutter-free. After your living room has been decluttered, see how you can take your interior to the next level.


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