Woman trying self-care tips at home

How to Practice Self-Care at Home

October 22, 2020

Self-care is an important practice throughout the year, but especially after summer is over and life feels a whole lot busier again. With so many items on your to-do list, you may start to forget about yourself and what you need to feel happy and healthy. 

A self-care routine can bring you back to center each day and help you avoid burnout — and all from the comfort of your own home. Read on for self-care tips to make your ideal self-care routine

How to Start a Self-Care Routine

As with any new habit, it can be difficult to start a daily self-care routine, especially if you already have a lot on your plate and it feels like just another chore. After you’ve experienced how regular self-care can improve your day, you’ll see that it’s worth making time for. Until then, there are a few self-care tips that can help you get started.

Schedule time for your self-care routine to establish it as an important part of your life. You can put an alarm on your phone and block out time on your calendar to remind yourself of your commitment. Once you’ve received the notification and started your self-care practice, try to avoid any technology that might distract you. By putting your phone on silent or leaving it in another room, you can concentrate on yourself. 

Decide what you need to recharge and communicate this to the people you share your home with. Self-care can be spent with your children, friends, and family, or even by yourself. Remember, there’s no need to feel guilty about looking after yourself. When you’ve enjoyed some hard-earned me-time, you have more energy to support everyone else in your life!

Self-Care Ideas for Stress

It’s essential to find the right kind of activity so that it’s easier to get started. Keep in mind, if it’s not enjoyable for you, it’s not self-care! No matter whether you like to stay active or put your feet up, there’s a self-care activity for everyone. Here are some of the best ways to unwind at home. Just ask yourself what appeals to you most.

Woman meditating at home

Relaxing Self-Care Tips

The classic route to a self-care routine, these activities can help you get some serious rest and relaxation.

  • Sleeping: Whether it’s a 20-minute nap, an early night, or a morning to sleep in, getting some extra Zs will help you feel rejuvenated.
  • Bath and Spa Time: You don’t need to hit the spa to unwind. Draw yourself a bubble bath, apply a face mask, and enjoy a long soak.
  • Yoga and Meditation: Find some inner peace with light stretches, breathing exercises, and mindfulness. Free yoga classes and guided meditations can be found on YouTube.

Creative Self-Care Tips

Need inspiration to boost your wellness? Try this self-care list for creative types.

  • Journaling: Spend a few minutes writing about the things you’re grateful for, what you love about yourself, or the highlights of your day.
  • Arts and Crafts: From sketching and painting to knitting and crocheting, one of your overlooked artistic hobbies can be just the ticket for self-care.
  • Music: Create a playlist of mood-boosting tunes, listen to your number one artist, or pick up the instrument you’ve been too busy to practice.
  • Reading: Make time to catch up with your book club’s selection, start that classic you’ve always wanted to read, or relive your favorite novel.
  • Visiting a Museum Online: Relax in your favorite armchair and enjoy the most incredible artwork and artifacts from around the world with Google’s Art & Culture Platform

Family dancing together in living room

Motivational Self-Care Tips

If you feel most connected to yourself when you’re productive, this self-care list is for you.

  • Exercising: These days you can find any kind of workout class online. Clear some space in your home and get your heart pumping with a fun exercise video.
  • Cleaning: Even if it’s just making the bed or prepping next week’s meals, you’ll feel a huge sense of accomplishment with this self-care practice.
  • Getting Dressed Up: You don’t need to leave the home to look great. Put on your favorite outfit, do your hair and makeup, and paint your nails.
  • Marie Kondo Your Home: Decluttering your home can make you feel more in tune with who you are and what you need in life. Take on a small part of the house at a time. When it’s time to work on the living room, have a look at our decluttering guide!

Self-Care Tips for the Whole Family

Are you most content with life when you’re surrounded by family? Include your partner and children in your self-care routine so everyone can enjoy the benefits.

  • Movie Night: Make some popcorn, get cozy in your living room, and watch a movie! It can be a family favorite, a new release, or a theme night for extra fun!
  • Cooking and Baking: Try making delicious new recipes. Not only is this a tasty treat for the family, but you’ll get to learn a ton of new ideas too.
  • Going Through Old Photos: Remind yourselves of all the good things in life by looking at your vacation photos. You can choose the best ones, get them printed, and even make an album together.
  • Calling Friends and Relatives: If you’re favorite people aren’t around, make time to call them regularly. Catching up with your best friend or your mom is a great way to remember what matters to you.

Man relaxing in Southern Motion’s Next Level Collection

Find Your Perfect Self-Care Routine

Try different activities from these self-care lists and see what works for you. You may find that you enjoy something you haven’t done in years or you just like to unwind and do nothing! The important thing is to take the time to soothe your soul.

Looking for more ways to relax your body and mind? Learn how a Zero Gravity Recliner can help with your self-care routine at home.

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